The security services will pretty well go to any lengths to winkle out information 安全部门会不遗余力地套取情报。
The detective was trying to winkle information out of her. 侦探试图从她那儿套取信息。
He somehow managed to winkle Picard out of his room 他不知用的什么法子将皮卡德逼出了房间。
Political pressure finally winkled him out and on to a plane bound for Berlin 政治压力最终迫使他离开,登上了去往柏林的飞机。
It will not be easy to winkle out the old guard and train younger replacements. 解雇老警卫、再训练年轻警卫取而代之并不是件容易的事。
To winkle out a few better examples, I asked on Twitter if anyone would admit to earning too much. The response: zero. Chance would be a fine thing, someone tweeted. 为了挑出几个更好的例子,我在推特(Twitter)上询问是否有人愿意承认自己的薪水过高,但没有人给我回应。
I managed to winkle the news out. 我好不容易才探听到那消息。
We tried to winkle an apology out of them. 我们试图逼他们道歉。
In the tense and tactical contests he could, like Solskjaer, be a specialist substitute who can winkle out a goal. 他可以像索尔斯克亚那样,成为一名在局面紧张和战术做调整时能带来进球的超级替补。
Israel would, after all, find it hard if not impossible to winkle out every last rocket and martyr. 如果,以色列最后不能找出并消灭所有的火箭弹和殉教者,它就会知难而退。
They usually manage to winkle out of people what they want to know. 他们经常能设法套出别人的话,打听到想要知道的事。
I've dropped a coin between the floorboards; try to winkle it out of there. 我将一枚硬币掉到地板缝里去了,想想办法把它取出来。